Custodiscimi 2023

3 million trees by 2030.

To this day we’ve planted 427,475 🌲

Forestami is a project promoted by the Metropolitan City of Milan, as well as the Municipality of Milan, the Regional Council of Lombardy, Parco Nord Milano, Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, ERSAF (Regional Agency for Agricultural and Forestry) and Fondazione di Comunità Milano. This project is the outcome of the research carried out by the Polytechnic University of Milan thanks to the support of Falck Foundation and FS Sistemi Urbani.

The scientific research

Census of existing green infrastructures, evidence about tree canopy cover, mapping of urbanised territory and also of the most critical areas in terms of the urban heat island effect in order to get a strategic view on the importance of green areas in the metropolitan area. Thanks to the efforts of Polytechnic University of Milan, this is essentially the core of the scientific research backing Forestami, and is furthermore supported by an intense collaborative effort by the 133 Municipalities of the Metropolitan City in order to identify the potential planting areas.


Rallentare gli effetti del cambiamento climatico, ridurre i consumi, pulire l’aria che respiriamo sono solo alcuni dei vantaggi del piantare alberi nelle nostre città

Forestami è il progetto di forestazione urbana della Città metropolitana di Milano, nato dalla collaborazione tra diversi soggetti promotori, per contrastare gli effetti del cambiamento climatico


Forestami, one tree after another

Benefit from all the environmental, social and economical advantages of tree planting that will make the Metropolitan City of Milan the “Green Capital of Italy”.

GOAL 2030

Forestami has an ambitious goal: to share its project with the widest network of people as well as public and private entities.

Start and run an urban reforestation project within the Metropolitan City of Milan that enhances and implements green areas, in order to achieve the planting of 3 million trees by 2030.

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